If you are eligible for the HCA Healthcare Plan and matching contribution, at the end of each plan year in which you satisfy the eligibility requirements, your facility will provide a 100% match on your voluntary contributions up to a certain level (from 3% to 9% of pay) based on your years of service as of the end of the plan year.

If you are eligible for matching contributions each pay, when you begin contributing to the 401(k) Plan your facility will provide a 100% match on your voluntary contributions up to a certain level (from 3% to 9% of pay) based on your years of service as of the end of the payroll period.

  • For years 0-4 the match is 100% of the first 3% you contribute.
  • For years 5-9 the match is 100% of the first 4% you contribute.
  • For years 10-14 the match is 100% of the first 6% you contribute.
  • For years 15-19 the match is 100% of the first 7% you contribute.
  • For years 20-24 the match is 100% of the first 8% you contribute.
  • For years 25 and beyond the match is 100% of the first 9% you contribute.

Though the above reflects the maximum match, you are allowed to contribute more to the HCA Healthcare 401(k) Plan, up to the IRS maximum allowed, for 2024:

  • Employee limit is $23,000 – for individuals aged 49 and younger
  • $7,500 (catch-up) – for individuals 50 and older

Service for determining your matching rate in the above chart is generally the same as your vesting service except that past service credit may not apply. To be eligible to receive annual matching contributions for a plan year, you must be employed by HCA Healthcare or one of its affiliates on the last day of that plan year and you must complete at least 1,000 hours of service (as described below) during that plan year. However, if, during a plan year, you die, become disabled or terminate employment after attaining age 65 or after having both attained age 55 and completed 10 years of service, you will be eligible to receive annual matching contributions for that plan year even if you are not employed on the last day of that plan year or complete 1,000 hours of service during that plan year.

For detailed information concerning your eligibility requirements, including vesting service, go to 

 HCAGHR.com, click Benefits, and click on BConnected, or call (800) 566-4114.

Remotiv is not affiliated with HCA Healthcare and is a private company hired to provide independent investment education.  All responses are intended to be educational in nature and should not be considered advice.