Our role as coaches is to help educate you about your options as well as risk management and investment strategies. While we do not make recommendations, we can provide you with the information and resources to assist you in making the selection that is right for you.

For detailed information about the available funds and for Fund Fact Sheets, go to HCAhrAnswers.com, click HCA Rewards, select BConnected, click My 401(k), and choose Fund Performance under the View heading.

(If your facility does not use HCAhrAnswers: Go to Atlas Connect (https://connect.medcity.net) while on the HCA Healthcare network and click HCA Benefits & Rewards. If your facility does not use Atlas Connect, log onto HCArewards.com.)

Remotiv is not affiliated with HCA Healthcare and is a private company hired to provide independent investment education.  All responses are intended to be educational in nature and should not be considered advice.