HCA Healthcare cares about you and your future and by offering auto-enrollment, they are helping you start preparing for retirement as soon as you are eligible. Studies show that auto-enrolled employees save more over time. Plus, you get the immediate advantage of the employer matching contribution.

When you become eligible, you are auto-enrolled into the 401(k) plan at 3% of your pay.  You will be matched at 100% on each dollar deferred from 3% to 9% of your eligible pay - based on your years of service.

If you do not wish to participate in the 401(k) Plan at this time, you may opt-out.   Please refer your enrollment packet and opt-out by your deadline. You may opt-out by going to HCAGHR.com, click Benefits, and click on BConnected.

Remotiv is not affiliated with HCA Healthcare and is a private company hired to provide independent investment education.  All responses are intended to be educational in nature and should not be considered advice.